Tuesday, 28 February 2017

5 Reasons to Prefer a Hotel Over Rental in Derby

When someone plans for the tour with his family, then the first thing that comes into his mind is the safety. This is the reason people book a quality hotel because they have enough grasp and supervision over various aspects of security of their clients. The main purpose of a family tour is to enjoy unbounded and unlimited and a family can't enjoy in the shadow of insecurity. Therefore, people prefer the hotels that have the best class security and safety services.
One can relive every moment of tour heartily only after being ensure towards the security of his family. So, people choose such kind of places that are known only for the world-class accommodation, food and other related facilities. Derby is one of the places that are reckoned for the best staying, cuisines and secondary related services because it has a chain of luxurious hotels that offer the premium amenities. Book one of the Derby hotels and enjoy your tour here and avail all other amenities that a rental home can't provide you.
Amenities that make the Derby hotels the most desirable and way better than rentals are:
Awesome location
Derby is an English City located on the banks of the River Derwent in Derbyshire. In the west of the river, there are Derby Museums and Art Gallery instead of that there exists home to Joseph Wright paintings and Gothic Derby and Southeast along the river. In its northwest is Markeaton Park that offers a craft village and boating lake. These all make it the perfect place location wise for visiting and spending vacations in a completely cheerful manner. Whereas, there are also many rentals here, but that are situated in the areas that are distant from the city. You can't opt for them because they don't have enough amenities to stay nicely even for some time.
0% Compromise with Privacy
All the luxury hotels have different rooms so that their guests don't have to take care about their privacy. The hotels in Derby have various kinds of rooms such as single bedrooms, double bedrooms and also the suites that leave no space in order to spoil any guest's privacy in any manner. Whether, when we talk about the rentals nearby here, their arrangement of accommodation is as poor as you can't expect any privacy from them. The reason is they don't have even separate rooms for two separate families so how can you think about privacy. After receiving their service charge amount in advance, they don't provide all the services that they have discussed you earlier. It is one of the major drawbacks of the rental rooms in Derby.
Value for Money
The Derby hotels offer the complete value of your money by serving you with their premium hospitality services. Firstly, they have all the basic facilities and they keep all their commitments until you check-out from the hotel. They serve you with the best of their hospitality services and avoid any kind of misbehavior that can harm their reputation. This way, they present their level of quality and hospitality so that a guest can observe all the positive aspects of their services and he'll become the source of their advertisement as well, such as he'll suggest the same hotel for the other who are opting for a hotel. And, if in future, it requires a review of the guests then they will prove an asset for the hotel if the guests provide the positive review. The star ratings also depend upon the quality hospitality services of a hotel.
When we say family hotel then it denotes that a hotel should posses a warm-behavior with the kids and senior members of the family that are checking-in. It should have appropriate amenities for the entertainment of the kids and when it comes to elders then the hotel should have enough arrangements for them as well like anytime doctor availability, transportation to reach the nearest multi-specialty hospital, spiritual and calm place in the hotel premises, etc. Derby hotels provide all the above stated amenities that's why they are known as the dominant family hotels. Whereas, the rentals don't have that scope to offer you required services for the kids and elders.
Better Transportation System
A quality and luxurious hotel must have their private cars or taxis so that to pick-up and drop their guests at airports, railway station, bus-station and any other visiting place directly from the hotel. The hotels in Derby have affiliated with leading taxi agencies and they provide taxi 24*7 to the guests so that they can arrive their desired destination from the hotel. On the other hand, neither the rental rooms have sufficient budget nor they take it as their responsibility to pick or drop any guest from any place.

Tips and Tricks to Promote Any Business

According to leading marketing experts, there are few key things that companies need to keep in mind to make sure that their efforts are well rewarded with more customers. These tips and tricks will help the smallest business see an increase in sales.
Street promoters
These promotions are one of the oldest ways to promote a new product. Simply hire some staff from another company that specialises in street promoters, and then pick a new product to promote.
As street promoters hand out free samples, coupons and other great things, more and more people will want to spend their money in the business, especially if they get a mouth-watering free sample. Guarantee that street promoters draw a crowd by giving out one of two things: the newest addition to the menu or the most popular item on the menu.
Social Media
Social media is one of the most popular ways to promote a business. While it may not bring in a crowd like street promoters will, the results will last longer. As more people like and share the posts on Facebook, more people will learn about the business and want to see how great it is.
To get a social media account up and going strong, make sure to update it daily, if not several times a day. Encourage followers to like or share content by utilising like vs. share posts. Increase a following by holding special contests on specific social media sites for followers. The possibilities of promoting a business on social media are endless.
Optimise a Website
Every business has a website nowadays, but that website will not matter if no one sees it. The adage "if you build it, they will come" does not apply to a company website. Due to the huge number of competitors, businesses need to take a few steps to make sure that their business web site gets noticed.
Using SEO to optimise a website, guaranteeing that load time is fast and offering special deals on a website are just a few of the ways that businesses can help their page appear in search results.
Business Cards
The world is more technology based than ever before, but that doesn't mean that old methods of advertising have taken a backseat to web sites. Instead, they are still more popular than ever. Clients always save their favourite business cards in the back of their wallet. Taking the time to invest in a few batches of beautifully designed business cards can help build up a nice, loyal clientele that a website might not.
In addition to that, not everyone likes the modern way of doing things. Instead, some people prefer a nice business card and will never even search for a business online. By utilising both methods for promoting a business companies will reach out to a broader audience.
The keys to promoting a business are to use a few different strategies. For example, using street promoters to launch a new product is a great idea, but this also limits the audience. To reach more people when trying to promote a business or product, it is key to use these popular advertising techniques, and to use more than one of them at a time.
This guarantees that more potential customers will see your business, and be more likely to spend their money at your company instead of another one.

5 Tips For Feeding Your Lovely Pit Bull

Do you have a lovely pit bull? What do you feed him? Do you know about the nutritional needs of your pet? Most pet owners think that they are doing what they should for their dogs as far as food is concerned, but they tend to rely on their instinct alone. Feeding your pooch is not a guessing game. Here are 4 tips that you should follow for feeding your dog.
1. Balanced Diet
Your dog's diet is as important as your diet. It's important to know what the vital nutritional needs of your dogs are. Your dog may have an upset stomach if he doesn't get enough nutrients and vitamins. In addition, he may have weight issues, brittle bones and oily skin, just to name a few. For the overall wellbeing of your pooch, make sure he gets proper diet.
2. Pre-packaged Food
You can go for pre-packaged food as it contains all the nutrients your pet needs. According to most dog owners, dogs love foods that are dry and moist. The fact of the matter is that their diet should vary based on textures, ingredients and nutritional value.
Of course, dogs are carnivores and they hunt a prey and love to chow on a delicious bone. So, make sure your dog gets a diverse diet. This will make him happy.
3. Meat is Full of Nutrients
Meat has loads of crucial nutrients. So, it should be part of your pooch's diet. But make sure his diet also has carbohydrates and fiber for better stability and digestion. Moreover, you can add a bit of moist food every now and then. But make sure you don't give him pancakes on a daily basis or he may fall sick. And if he falls sick, he will lose weight quickly.
4. Vegetables Are Good
What your dog needs is a balanced diet, and the best diet consists of a variety of good ingredients. Many dogs love to eat vegetables. The great thing about vegetables is that they contain essential vitamins and nutrients for dogs. Just give veggies a go and you will see your dog get happier and healthier with the passage of time. Make sure you give him fresh veggies only.
5. Walk Your Dog Regularly
If possible, take him with you for a walk after the evening meal on a regular basis. This will help your dog digest food in a better way and he will grow healthier.
In Summary
Long story short, the general rule is that your dog should eat meals that will satisfy its nutritional needs. Your dog shouldn't stick to a can of processed food. All you need to do is maintain a balance between natural food and processed food. Making dishes for your lovely pit bull can be a great family event. Moreover, a dog is very good at expressing gratitude. And you will know it if he walks to you and gives you a big, wet kiss. Hope these tips will make your dog a happy dog.

Body Building Routine

What routine or regime you select is dependent on several factors, age, sex, goals and overall physical fitness. There is no such thing as "one routine fits all."
Without getting too technical for purposes of our overview here, let's take a very simple, straightforward approach.
Generally speaking, it is recommended to do three sets of ten repetitions on each exercise you select. Beginners need to stick to a routine for at least 3 months of regular training. During this time it is important to follow a plan of good diet and nutrition. The recipes found elsewhere in this document are a great place to start.
Whatever exercises you plan to follow, you should always start off by warming up. Warm up exercises should be aerobic in nature which should include running on the treadmill, jogging, or skipping for a period of about 10-15 minutes. The overall warm up time should last between 15-20 minutes. Always remember that a warmed up body responds faster and there is less chance of injury (like muscle catch, tear, pull, etc). Warm up results in an increase in the pulse and the heart- rate.
Many factors go in to the finalization of the routine for a bodybuilder, such as the current health condition, the goal and the number of days in a week the bodybuilder is going to visit the gym.
For example, if the bodybuilder visits the gym 6 days a week, then the schedule will be of one kind. Whereas, if the bodybuilder works out three times a week, then the schedule is likely to be more intense.
However do keep in mind that no schedule should be for a long term. The long term goal should be broken down in to short and mid term targets - and the routine should be devised accordingly. Thus one short term schedule may be for 3 days a week followed by a 6 day week routine, depending on the condition and the rate of development/growth.
A good beginner routine might be to start off using a bar that is light enough to handle comfortably. Don't begin by using equipment that is not appropriate for a beginner. The only thing that may result is an overall feeling that exercise is "too hard." Work up to your routine gradually.
A beginner's session should initially cover the major muscle groups. Start off with the two hands barbell press. This is productive for developing the upper and lower arms, shoulders and back. Because it isn't the easiest exercise it should begin first when strength is at the highest. This exercise is intended for the deltoids and triceps.
A second exercise might be the two hands curl with barbell. This will work the biceps situated at the front of the arms, in contrast to the triceps at the back of the arms exercised earlier. The biceps is conventionally the muscle which all desire to develop and is usually already one of the beginner's strongest.
A third exercise to consider is the bench press. The lift lies on the back and is handed the bar which is then lowered to the chest. This exercise primarily works the pectorals but also exercises the triceps and deltoids like the first exercise.
The fourth exercise is upright rowing where the barbell is raised with a narrow hand spacing to the region of the chin, lowered to arms' length and the movement repeated. This is generally for the trapezius muscles (which lie between the neck and the shoulder socket on top of the shoulders)- so a different muscle is targeted this time.
There are many sources available to help you determine what "routine" is best for you. Here is one that we found, but be aware that it isn't the only option available nor the only one you should use. Let us see how a 5 day week routine might look:
Behind Neck Shoulder Press: 4 sets 6-10 reps
Upright Row: 4 sets 6-10 repetitions
Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 sets 6-10 reps
Bench Press: 4 sets 6-10 repetitions
Crunches: 3 sets 6-10 reps
Close Grip Lat Pull down: 4 sets 6-10 reps
Close Grip Seated Pulley Row: 4 sets 6-10 repetitions
Seated Calf Raise: 4 sets 6-10 reps
Reverse Wrist Curl: 4 sets 6-10 repetitions
Squats: 5 sets 6-10 reps
Leg Press: 5 sets 6-10 reps
Leg Curl: 4 sets 6-10 reps
Close Grip Bench Press: 4 sets 6-10 repetitions
Tricep Dip: 4 sets 6-10 reps
Dumbbell Shrug: 4 sets 6-10 repetitions
Standing Calf Raise: 4 sets 6-10 reps
Pull Ups: 4 sets 6-10 reps
E-Z Bar Curl: 4 sets 6-10 repetitions
Hammer Curl 4 sets 6-10 reps
Crunches: (with weight) 4 sets 6-10 repetitions
As we said, there are a number of training programs available for bodybuilders and this is just one.
There are other factors to look at before selecting one for yourself. Let's explore them:
Has the program been experimentally tested?
Are there specific goals, training loads, progressive monitoring and recovery periods in the program routine?
Does the program specify what types of people are eligible for it?
Only after going through them should the bodybuilder enroll for the routines of such a program.

The Battle Of The Operating Systems, Android Vs iOS:

Android is Google's powered software whereas iOS is Apple's powered software. iOS software can only be in Apple devices whereas Android is being used in several devices by different companies like Samsung, Huawei, Lenovo, etc. iOS software is said to be more user-friendly as compared to Android because of its unique designs and uniform elements.
Both operating systems bring products to life. Android was created by Google, and iOS was developed by Apple. When you're in a competitive market, you have to be different, but which is best for you? To find out, consider these three important categories.
Android gives almost unlimited access and allows settings to be adjusted to preference. Apps, lock screens, and shortcuts have unlimited options. iOS is not nearly as flexible. While this means that a product operating with iOS is less likely to have its settings damaged by the user, it also means that you have less freedom to do what you want with it. Android beats iOS when it comes to customization.
For iOS users, being limited means, it's difficult to mess up. Android's freedom comes with complexity. iOS comes uniform across all of their products. I can feel confident giving my 71-year-old grandmother an iPad, and she would likely not struggle with it. Android works best for people who are a little more tech savvy, and for those who want something a bit more unique. If you need a user-friendly interface, then Apple may be the right choice.
Another major deciding factor is safety. Because iOS is uniform across all products, this means it is a lot easier to update the devices and fix security patches. Android is used across many different products and companies, meaning that security patches are slower and often require further patching and adjusting, leaving the user vulnerable.
So which is better? While Android can boast that they are the best at customizability and compatibility, iOS can claim better user interface and security. Consider your needs to decide which type of product best fits your needs and your lifestyle.
If we compare these software's in term of devices than iOS is very expensive as compared to Android. Android is now most using the software in the world. Most of the phones, people are using, run by android whereas only Apple devices are operated by iOS. Here, first let's compare Android with iOS:
Google powered
Apple powered
Released in 2008
Released in 2007
Source model is open
Source model is close to open source elements
File transfer is very easy. Can host windows phone too
Tough as compared to Android. No option available for sharing on other software's
Google play store providing apps for running on this software
Apple store providing apps for running on iOS
32 languages are present
34 languages option is present
Battery life and management can be enhanced according to the phone variations
iOS devices don't contain much bigger battery and are short in management temper too
Security is not tight because of the third party apps (Nexus and Amazon type third party app developers)
Security of phone and software is tight because data never leave outside instead keeping in device and home app store (Apple store)
About, user interface and experience, Android is popular, but iOS devices are considered as for elite section of society because of pricing, strategy and elegant designs of iPhone. Overall, both software's provide their featured models and experiences notably good for people. A wide selection of choice is present that you can choose whatever you like most; design and usage vise.

Leave Your Home Secure And Travel With Peace Of Mind

Travelling can be a very joyous experience that one remembers for the rest of their life, and nothing could be more of a party pooper than getting home and realizing that your home has been destroyed, robbed or burnt down. Although you can't do anything much to secure your home against natural disasters, there are a few things that you can do to make sure that you continue to ride the tide of contentment even after you have arrived home.
1. Check all your locks
Replace any locks that look loose and that have lived past their lifetime. Some locks are easy to pick so double check that they are strong and not easy to manipulate.
2. Switch off all electrical gadgets.
If you are planning to travel far for a lengthy period, then you will probably have to switch off all your electrical gadgets. This is to prevent any electrical damage that might occur while there is no one in the house to quickly attend or notice. A good idea would be to empty your refrigerator in time. This will save you some money because you won't have a bill to pay when you get back.
3. Switch off your gas
If you use gas for anything, it would be in your best interests to check that no pipes are leaking and that it is switched off. Gas is extremely flammable, and it would be a tragedy if your whole house were to burn down because you were negligent.
4. Have your mail delivered somewhere else?
If you receive mail, make sure that your delivery service gets another temporary address to deliver them to. Or better still get your neighbor to pick up your mail for you. This is to make sure that there is no build up of mail outside your door. A thieving eye stacking out places to rob will surely notice that there is a mountain of mail outside a place and earmark it for a quick job.
5. Get an alarm service
For those going on holiday for a long time, it would be good to install an alarm system and engage a security company to scope out the place from time to time to make sure that everything is in order.
6. Get a friend to stay over
This requires you to find a friend who you trust implicitly with your possessions as they will have free unsupervised access to your house while you are away.
7. Rent it out.
Better still you can make a quick buck by finding someone who stays for the duration of your travels. They will act as security and caretaker of your property. This requires advance planning.
8. For natural disasters.
Make sure you are all paid up when it comes to insurance. You can do nothing to stop nature but you can certainly have a plan B for yourself.
Make a checklist and tick it off to ensure that get you on the road and travel without being held back.

Modern Dining Chairs

Chairs have evolved from a piece of furniture which was used to sit on to a modern collection of furniture and products of special appearance that are available with the advanced technology. Chairs have supported four legs and a back end to support the back. Chairs have been an integral part of the dining room which consists of a table of any shape and table surrounded by chairs on which people sit and intake their food. In the olden day's simple chairs were made without any designs. In the olden days, any wood that was available was usually converted into furniture when it was required, and everybody constructed their chairs and tables at their homes. Those days are gone when man started to manufacture goods according to his needs. Now these things are meant for "show off." People are buying chairs from big branded shops where they get free delivery on their doorsteps. The only thing they need to do is decide which design they like and which color. Nowadays everything can be seen online on the website of the seller and then the last step they need to do is order the product. The product is first delivered, and then the payment is made. We have moved ahead a far. With the advancement of technology and science, we are now able to enjoy the most modern facilities and one of which is the modern dining chairs. Dining chairs are now available in a variety of colors and designs, and various materials are used to manufacture them. There is a huge collection of beautiful and extraordinary chairs that you will love to buy.
Modern dining chairs have created a revolution in the furniture industry. The materials that are used to make these products have also changed meanwhile. Many new materials are being used, such as molded plywood, glass, steel, aluminum-tin alloy, copper-tin alloy and many other plastic materials are used for the manufacturing of chairs. The designs of chairs have also marked a tremendous change. From a four leg base, it has now a new concept of three leg base and the upcoming is a two-leg base. Probably expected product in the market is a chair with a single base support. The beautiful collections of trendy chairs are attractive as well as comfortable to sit on. The chairs now cover a large surface area so as to provide a sufficient place to sit comfortably.
A tremendous change in the world has not even spared chairs. All the things are brand new with the most modern feature. The global market is putting new challenges every day with which every manufacturer has to compete, and hence this competition leads to simplicity and betterment of products. Modern dining chairs are examples of one such change. In a furniture shop, you will find a variety of dining chairs named as contemporary or modern and many more names. Anyways the chairs have brought a family for the togetherness of having the meals. A family can now come together around the table sitting on their dining chairs and enjoy each other company.

Factors To Consider Before Servicing Your Car

Regular servicing of vehicles is as essential as filling fuel in it to enjoy smooth driving from it. But there are lots of motorists who consider maintenance of their car as a tedious task and do not pay attention towards it and realize its relevance when they are not able to drive their car for reaching their preferred destination at the time which they had decided to reach on.
This sometimes sounds surprising and unusual that how a person, especially the driver of a car can forget or ignore the service of his vehicle. This is mainly because of the myth prevailing among lots of owners who consider car servicing stagnated mainly with checking the level of engine oil, regular cleaning, filling fuel and checking the pressure of tyres.
Therefore before proceeding ahead, always keep in mind that car servicing is not restricted only to above mentioned checklist, but involves the checkup of different parameters such as a check up of engine, clutch & gearbox, braking system, etc. which are necessary to be performed once you have driven specified kilometers by your car, whether it is during the year or after that.
So, now after going through the importance of car servicing it becomes imperative for us to look after the factors that should be kept in mind before visiting any garage:
  1. Types of Services: It is one of the important factors to check before visiting any garage that what type of services they offer, because there are some centres that expertise in offering services only to mid-sized cars. Whereas there are lots of stations who offer services of all types of cars by the technicians that are accredited by the manufacturer to conduct the service of their vehicles. Let us assume that you own BMW then you can get your BMW serviced from authorized BMW service centre without any second thoughts as they are registered by the manufacturer and have access of database to update the records of car service, tuning, repairing etc.

  2. Infrastructure of the Service Station: Most of the people believe that all car service centres are same, but this is not true to the huge extent because authorized service centres are equipped with all latest computerised equipments that are used nowadays, and have separate areas for inspection, servicing, cleaning, washing of vehicles and also the waiting area where their clients can wait and have a look towards the servicing of their car, if they wish to. Moreover, licensed garage also displays the certificate of its accreditation from the manufacturer permitting him to look after the maintenance of car manufactured by them.

  3. Charges: Finally, last but not the least you should get the estimate of your vehicle before giving it for servicing so that at the time of payment. For example, when you get your car serviced from the authorized garage they will charge fix price for every task varying from changing of engine oil or replacing the damaged part of your car with genuine part as quoted by manufacturer.

How to Make Your Team Members Feel Like Crap

Here's the scene: You're at a party, or a conference, or a meeting-somewhere with a lot of people around. You see someone whom you'd like to talk to, so you walk over and start a conversation. And after a few seconds, they begin The Scan. You know what I'm talking about, right? It's the moment when they break eye contact and start surveying the room, looking for someone better to talk to.
Feels pretty crappy, doesn't it?
So why are you doing it with your team?
"But Bill," you say, "I'm not doing that! I don't do The Scan with my team."
Perhaps not, but there are all kinds of Scans. For example, when a team member comes to talk to you, have you ever:
  • kept your eyes on your computer screen while she is talking to you? (This sends the message, "Whatever is on my computer is more important than you.")
  • glanced at your caller ID when your phone rings to see if it's a call you should take? (This sends the message, "Whoever is calling might be more important than you.")
  • surreptitiously (or so you thought) checked your watch, cellphone, or wall clock? (This sends the message, "Whatever is coming up next is more important than you.")
Do you see a common denominator in these examples? Perhaps something about the message you're sending to your team member?Look, it's actually pretty simple. You're the leader, the boss. When a team member comes to you with something important to say (and they get to define what they think is important, not you), your job is to drop everything else and be present with that person.
"But Bill, sometimes I am waiting for an important call, or I am trying to return an important email, or I do have an important meeting coming up."
Fair enough. And these are all valid. But they are not excuses to make your team member feel like she's not important. So what do you do?
Tell her.
"Mary, I can see that this is important to you, and I want to give you my full attention. I am expecting a call, though, that I'm going to have to take. But until that call comes in, I'm all yours. Or, if you prefer, we can schedule fifteen minutes with no distractions later in the day. Which would work better for you?"
Can you see the difference? By letting her know the situation at the outset, you've set your parameters and acknowledged Mary as important to you. And isn't that what we all want?
There's a great story about two former prime ministers of England, William Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli. I don't know if the story is true or not, but it makes a great point.
A young lady was taken to dinner one evening by Gladstone and the following evening by Disraeli. When a friend asked her how the evening went, she said, "When I was talking with Mr. Gladstone, I thought he was the cleverest person in England. But when I was talking with Mr. Disraeli, I thought I was the cleverest person in England."

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Complete Details for Wedding Gown Cleaning and Preservation

Complete Facts on Wedding Gown Cleaning and Preservation
Getting your wedding gown cleaned and preserved as soon after your wedding as possible helps to give you the very best possible results. You can still have your gown cleaned and preserved years later, but the delay can cause problems. Which of the three wedding gown preservation methods is best?
There are many wedding gown preservation companies that all claim their particular method is best. It doesn't need to be confusing when you have the facts. This special report is designed to educate you, so that you can understand for yourself the three methods with their various pros and cons.
When you've competed this report you'll have the facts you need to decide which method you want to use for your wedding gown preservation.
What you'll find inside this Wedding Gown Preservation Report:
Chapter 1
The 5 Top Reasons to Have Your Wedding Gown Cleaned and Preserved:
-Remember your special day
-Celebrate an anniversary
-For use by a family member
-For a christening dress
-For a bassinette cover
Chapter 2
How should your wedding gown be cleaned:
Chapter 3
The three types of wedding gown preservation:
-Boxed method
-Sealed Boxed method
-Bagging method
Chapter 4
Debunking the myths, misinformation and out right lies:
-Boxed vs. Bagging
-"Museum" storage
-Cloth bag storage
-Boxed storage
-Sealed boxed storage
-Examining the dress
-Mold and mildew growth
-Insect infestation
-Allowing the fabric to breathe
Chapter 5
The goals of wedding gown preservation:
-Permanent creases
-Brown spots and oxidation
Chapter 6
Upgrade offers:
-What's included in an upgrade
-What's the value of an upgrade
-Why is an upgrade offered
Chapter 7
Wedding gown cleaning and preservation summary.
Chapter 1
5 Top Reasons to Have Your Wedding Gown Clean and Preserved.
1. The first and foremost reason is obviously because it is your wedding gown. It is the most expensive dress you'll ever own and it's part of the celebration of the most important day of your life. It is the dress in all of your wedding pictures. It is one of the things you'll remember most about your wedding.
Sure you have your pictures, but to actually be able to see your actual wedding dress beautifully preserved will always bring back a flood of wonderful memories.
2. You may want to wear it to celebrate your 5th, or 10th or 25th wedding anniversary. You could put it on a mannequin and display it for an anniversary celebration.
3. Wedding gown preservation keeps your dress in perfect condition so your sister or your own daughter or even granddaughter can wear it on their wedding day. (It happens more often then you may think and is a wonderful opportunity for you and the lucky girl who wears it.)
4. Many brides are making a christening dress from their wedding gown. Being able to make your wedding gown into a dress that your precious daughter will wear on this important day is something to look forward to. It can start a great family tradition and heirloom.
5. Something that is beginning to take off in popularity is making a bassinette cover made out of it. This can easily be done and provides a wonderful reminder of your special day and the special little one inside the bassinette.
No matter the reason, wedding gown preservation is important. You may not think so now, but years from now you don't want to regret that you missed the opportunity. There will be a time when you'll want your wedding gown in beautiful condition again.
After the wedding many brides just leave their dress in the plastic garment bag thinking they'll get it preserved "sometime". There is always good intentions, but that "sometime" turns into weeks or even years. By procrastinating you may be in for some serious risks to your gown.
You know your wedding gown has some stains on it. There is the dirt, grass stains, and sometimes asphalt parking lot oil on the hem of your dress. Then there is the underarm deodorant, the perspiration, the body oils, the make-up, the spray tan that gets on the dress. There may even be a wine spill or two.
There can also be stains that are not easily visible, like soda, champagne, or cake frosting. Stains caused by any liquid will oxidize over time and turn brown. The longer any stain sets, or oxidizes the more difficult it is to remove. It's important to have your wedding gown cleaned and preserved to prevent this from happening.
Keeping your gown in a plastic bag is probably the worst storage situation possible. Plastic is made from petroleum and gives off fumes. These chemical fumes causes yellowing in your dress. That's also why you should never take your dress to a dry-cleaner and leave it in the plastic bag it comes home in.
Hanging your dress can cause additional problems. Your wedding gown is very heavy and hanging it will stretch the fabric and the seams. If your dress has sleeves then the weight of the dress will stretch the seams in the sleeve. If it's strapless or you hang your dress by the side-seam hanging loops the manufacturer provides you'll stretch the fabric and the side-seams. And for those dresses with a long heavy train the same can be true of the hanging loop for the train.
Wedding gown preservation done right can protect your treasured keepsake.
Chapter 2
How should your wedding gown be cleaned?
There are two types of cleaning methods: dry-cleaning and wet-cleaning.
Dry-cleaning really isn't dry at all. Dry-cleaning refers to not using water for cleaning. It is cleaning with a petroleum solvent as the cleaning agent. The most common agent for dry-cleaning is perchloroethylene - "perc" for short. It is an excellent degreaser and can be used on all fabrics including silk, acetate, rayon and polyester. It can cause damage to some sequins and beads. It can melt the coating on some beads and melt the glue if the beads and sequins are glued onto the fabric.
Stoddard solvent is not as popular because it is more expensive and it has more regulations for it's use - like it cannot be used in a facility in a strip mall. It is an excellent degreaser but has the added advantage that it will not harm beads or sequins.
Exxon DF-2000 is also a petroleum based solvent. It will not harm beads or sequins, but is not as good of a degreaser as Stoddard solvent. It does have fewer regulations so it is more popular for some dry-cleaning establishments.
Cleaning should be done with what is called "Virgin Solvent". Virgin solvent is solvent that has been specially cleaned and filtered before each use. Many dry-cleaners use the same solvent over and over which means the solvent can retain residual oils and "dirt" which can be re-deposited on your dress. Dirty solvent will also leave a "dry-clean" smell on your dress.
Wet-cleaning, using water to clean your dress has several advantages. Water is best for removing any type of sugar stain, food stain or plain dirt on the hem. It is a poor degreaser, (but petroleum solvents cannot remove sugar or food stains.) Wet-cleaning also removes the sizing in fabrics (sizing is a starch like substance that is used to give "body" to the fabric by the manufacturer). Sizing in fabrics attract mice and insects. Proper wet-cleaning will not leave any odor in your gown.
The care label inside your wedding gown should indicate which method is recommended by the manufacturer.
Experience is the most important criteria to consider in selecting who should do your wedding gown cleaning and preservation. Asking questions is the most effective method to determine their experience. How long have they been in business? Do they specialize in wedding gowns, or only clean them once in awhile? Do they examine each dress individually or just place it in with all of their regular cleaning?
Chapter 3
The 3 Types of Wedding Gown Preservation
The three types of wedding gown preservation are:
1. Plain Boxed method
2. Sealed Box method
3. Bagging method. Let's examine each.
The Plain Boxed method. Your wedding gown is cleaned first and then is placed on a cardboard bust form. The bust form and dress are secured in the box. If the bust form was not secured properly in the box, the dress would slide and end up in a messy heap in the bottom of the box. The dress is folded and layered with tissue paper. The box may or may not have a windowed display area. The box is closed and sent to you.
Sealed Boxed method. This method is the same as the Plain Boxed method except it goes a step further in your wedding gown preservation protection. The box is sealed completely. It is sealed to keep out moisture and to keep out insects.
Bagging method. Again the gown is cleaned first and then it is hung usually on a padded hanger and then placed in some kind of cloth bag.
What do you want your wedding gown preservation to do for you and your dress?
1. You want your wedding gown preservationhttp://www.8mmweddings.net to prevent your dress from yellowing. Yellowing can be caused by several situations. Don't use a plastic bag for long term storage. Plastic bags give off petroleum distillates that can yellow your dress over time. Storing your dress in a non-acid free environment can also cause yellowing of your dress. This would include a regular cardboard box, or using regular tissue paper instead of acid free tissue.
2. You want your wedding gown preservation to prevent any permanent creases in your dress. Make sure that the company you use properly cares for your dress. If you insist on using the Bagging method they should make provisions for your train especially so it does not double fold back on itself in the bag. If you use the Boxed or Seal Boxed methods they should carefully fold the dress and buffer each fold with acid free tissue paper. This buffering will make the folds gentile and keep them from creasing.
(Be aware that some companies will promote the idea that your wedding gown should be re-folded every few years to prevent permanent creases. Although this sounds good in theory it isn't true at all. First if your gown is stored properly, buffered with acid free tissue paper, the folds will remain folds. Unless there is some force that "squishes" the dress flat, or specifically flattens the folds into creases, creases won't happen. Folds don't "automatically" flatten themselves into creases. The fact actually is - creases can be removed from the fabric by proper steaming and or ironing. Seamstresses do this all of the time. If a seam or hem has to be changed they can easily make the "creases" disappear when they steam and or iron it.)
3. You want your wedding gown preservation to prevent and mold, mildew or insect growth or infestation. This can only be guaranteed when you use the Sealed Boxed method - see that section under "Wedding Gown Preservation methods".
4. You want your wedding gown preservation to prevent brown spots or oxidation spots on your dress. Brown spots usually occur when a stain in the dress was not properly cleaned. The stain will oxidize over time and turn brown. This is especially true for any sugar based stain - ones caused from soda, wine, cake frosting or food.
These stains may not be visible when you send your dress in to be cleaned and preserved. It's important that the company you use not only does a careful visual inspection but also a black-light inspection to reveal any hidden stains. And that the company completely removes all of the stains in your dress.
Wedding gown cleaning and preservation summary.
Cleaning summary:
Determine the fabric of your wedding gown. If it is polyester then it can usually safely be wet-cleaned. If it is silk, acetate or rayon then you have a few choices. Does it have beading or sequins on the dress? Percloroethylene (perc) is the most common dry-cleaning solvent but can discolor or melt the coating on the beads and sequins and can dissolve the glue if they are glued on. The better alternative is Stoddard Solvent or DF-2000. These dry-cleaning solvents are still excellent degreasers but will not harm the beads and sequins. Stoddard solvent is the best degreaser of the two.
Read the manufacturer's fabric care label to help guide you on your choices.
Select a wedding gown preservation company that uses virgin solvent. You don't want your dress being "cleaned" in dirty solvent that can leave an unpleasant odor in your dress.
Select a company that specializes in wedding gown cleaning and preservation. Choose a company that has been in business for a substantial time, is a member of the Better Business Bureau and has excellent reviews.
It's also best to use a company that carefully hand inspects your dress and then does a further inspection using a black light. The company should do minor repairs at no additional cost to you. They can fix those loose beads, replace a button or fix a small tear in the fabric as part of their service.
Carefully examine the entire wedding gown preservation method. Select a company that will provide you the peace of mind, where you know your treasured keepsake will be put in an acid free environment, will be protected from unwanted creasing, protected from mold, mildew and insects, and provides a lifetime guarantee.